
For Your Name (acoustic)


ukulele Beginner beginner


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For Your Name (acoustic)

Capo on 2nd fret


verse 1: 
              Em                 C               D        
We got a new life in the light of Your love 
Em                     C          D  
Called by name to the Savior of all 
We got a new song 
C                 D      
Generations will sing  
oh-oh oh-oh.  

verse 2: 
               Em                   C                D 
We got a new hope all because of the cross 
Em                     C         D  
Saved by the grace you have given to us  
We got a new song  
       C         D    Em     D 
All the nations will sing oh-oh oh-oh.  

C G For Your name shout in all the Earth Em D Great above our lives light of our salvation
verse 3: Em C D For Your Glory we will give all we are Em C D All our lives for the love of Your son Em C D We got a new song now that we are redeemed Em D Oh-oh oh-oh
C G For Your name shines in all the Earth Em D Great above our lives light of our salvation C G Nations rise sing of all You are Em D Holy is Your name lifted high forever.
Bridge: C G D Em C And our hope is in the Saviour’s love G D You gave it all C G D Em C Let all Earth sing to Christ our King G D Be lifted up
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