
15 Years


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15 Years

Intro: C

verse 1
C               C 
15 Years on the county line 
C         C     C C C C                F 
Enough to make a man nearly lose his mind 
F                                                 C 
Down in Arlington, Virginia where the law make us stay 

C                    C 
Ball and chain never felt so real 
C        C      C C C C 
Walls of stone fifty bars of steel 
F                                                                C 
When the warden gives me pardon darlin' I'll be coming home your way 

N.C. F G C And I wish you could have seen it when the good Lord spun me round F G C I should have known better than to think they could keep a good man down G So please don't you worry G C C C C C C Please don't you ever come see me
verse 2 C C C C C C C C Leaving out of Texas for that eastern sunrise F C Well now, I was in a bad way Lord but not to my surprise C C Judge in a cornfield tryin' a man C C C C C C They said let him hang in the white desert sand F C When the warden gives me pardon darlin' I'll be coming home your way N.C. F G C And I wish you could have seen it when the good Lord spun me round F G C I should have known better than to think they could keep a good man down G So please don't you worry G C C C C C C Please don't you ever come see me The guitar solo is rather weird. Sometimes my band just plays G but the chords go like this: F C F C G F C G G G G G G G G verse 3 (They sing this acappella but you can play the same chords from above.) N.C. 15 Years on the county line Enough to make a man nearly lose his mind Down in Arlington, Virginia where the law make us stay Ball and chain never felt so real Walls of stone fifty bars of steel When the warden gives me pardon darlin' I'll be coming home your way N.C. F G C And I wish you could have seen it when the good Lord spun me round F G C I should have known better than to think they could keep a good man down G So please don't you worry G N.C Please don't you ever come see me
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