Irish Rovers

The Unicorn Song

Irish Rovers

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The Unicorn Song

Year: 1968 -

Written by Shel Silverstein

	  		   C                      Dm  
   A long time ago when the earth was green  
              G                          C  
   There was more kinds of animals than you had ever seen,  
          C                         Dm  
   They roamed around free while the world was being born,  
            C                            Dm G   C  
   And the loveliest of them all was the unicorn.  

C Dm There was green alligators and long-necked geese, G C Some humpty-back camels and some chimpanzees, C Dm Cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born, C Dm G C The loveliest of all was the unicorn.
But the Lord seen some sinnin' and it caused him pain. He said "Stand back—I'm gonna make it rain, So hey, brother Noah, I'll tell you what to do, Build me a floating zoo." Chorus: And you take two green alligators and a couple of geese, Two humpty-back camels and two chimpanzees, Two cats, two rats, two elephants, but sure as you're born Noah, don't you forget my unicorn. Now Noah was there and he answered the callin' And he finished up the ark as the rain started fallin', And he marched in the animals two by two And he sung out as they went through: Chorus: "Hey Lord, I got you two alligators and a couple of geese, Two humpty-back camels and two chimpanzees, Two cats, two rats, two elephants but sure as you're born, Lord, I just don't see your unicorns." Well, Noah looked out through the driving rain, The unicorns were hiding, playing silly games. They were kickin' and a-spashin' while the rain was pourin'— Oh them foolish unicorns. {Repeat first Chorus} And then the ark started moving and it drifted with the tide. The unicorns looked up from the rocks and cried, And the water came up and sort of floated them away— And that's why you've never seen a unicorn to this very day. Chorus: "But you'll see a lot of alligators and a whole mess of geese You'll see humpty-back camels and chimpanzees. You'll see cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born You're never gonna see no unicorns."
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