Jeff Satur

Why Don't You Stay (english Version)

Jeff Satur

ukulele Easy easy


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Why Don't You Stay (english Version)

	  		Intro C  G  D  Em 

Verse 1:

C All this time I sink G Drowning like a stone D Tryna close my eyes Em Shut my ears on this throne C Losing my way home G Then you came along D Everywhere we are G Felt like where I belong


C Lost in your eyes G There was no place I could hide Bm Take me inside Em And let me live in your mind C No pain tonight Cm This place is reserved for only you and I
G G Em Cause I wanna stay on your side D C Even if the world come crashing down tonight G We'll be fine Am C Hold me close and we'll just leave it all behind C Why don't you stay

Verse 2:

G C These bruises and wounds G Fractures on my bones D Tryna fix it all G But I failed all alone C But just to be with you G Just you lying close D I can see the scars G Fade away on their own


C Lost in your eyes G There was no place I could hide Bm Take me inside Em And let me live in your mind C No pain tonight Cm This place is reserved for only you and I
G G Em Cause I wanna stay on your side D C Even if the world come crashing down tonight G We'll be fine Am C Hold me close and we'll just leave it all behind C Why don't you stay Em Oh no D Right here G With me
(Stay stay) Em Let me stay right here D Oh woah right here G So baby (I just wanna stay here) G Em (Let's just stay right here) D (I will be okay) G (We can live forever in each others eyes) (I just wanna stay here) So let me stay right here G Em (Let's just stay right here) D (I will be okay) G We can live forever why don't we just stay, stay
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