Jessie Ware

True Believers

Jessie Ware

ukulele Easy easy


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True Believers

	  		Intro: Bm, Amaj7, Dsus2 

Amaj7                                                    A  
If we are driving through the streets, past all the lights 
That's when we're safe, that's when we know we'll be alright 
If we escape the city, no one has to care 
Dsus2                                   Esus2 
That's when I know I'll follow you anywhere 

A                      D 
Let's be alone together 
A                                    D 
Where the sky falls through the river 
D                          E 
Lost are the true believers 
D                     E 
Let's get lost forever 

A D Are you hearing me? A D Are you listening?
(verse 2) Amaj7 A Only time will tell if you were strong enough Dsus2 But no we're older, I am certain of this love A Straight through the mist that you want to walk with me Dsus2 Esus2 Now that we're here I promise I will never leave (Pre-Chorus) Let's be alone together Are you hearing me? Where the sky falls through the river Lost are the true believers Let's get lost forever Are you hearing me? Are you listening? (Bridge) Bm E People might press Bm E Cause I throw them back a feet Bm E When the love's too hard to leave Bm E A D Can you hear me, hear me when I speak? (Last Pre-Chorus) A D When the sky falls through the river D E Lost are the true believers D E Let's get lost forever D E Are you hearing me? D E Are you hearing me? D E Would you stay there, stay there? D E The last true believers D E Would you stay there, stay there? (End) A D x2
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