Jethro Tull

Back-Door Angels

Jethro Tull

ukulele Easy easy

by  MAX(BA)

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Back-Door Angels

Year: 1974 - Album: Warchild

Written by Ian Anderson

Em                           Cmaj7    Am       C       (Em D Em)  
In and out of the front door, ran twelve back-door angels.         
  C    D          G       C     Am  
Their hair was a golden-brown ---  
  Am                D           D B Em  
they didn't see me wink my eye.  
Em                                  D            C    (Em D Em)  
`Tis said they put we men to sleep with just a whisper,  
C    D                  G     C    Am                D      D B Em  
And touch the heads of dying dogs --- and make them linger.  
  Em                           D                      C        (Em D Em)  
They carry their candles high --- and they light the dark hours.  
C     D            G        C  Am                          D  
And sweep all the country clean  with pressed and scented wild-flowers.  
Solo (I haven't tried too hard here):  
|: Em D :|: Am D :|  
Em                           Cmaj7     Am         C           (Em D Em)  
They grow all their roses red,    and paint our skies blue ---  
  C       D       G      C      Am  
drop one penny in every second bowl ---  
 Am            D           D B Em  
make half the beggars lose,  
  Em                                D               C       (Em D Em)  
why do the faithful have such a will to believe in something?  
C    D           G           C    Am  
And call it the name they choose,  
Am             D        D B Em  
having chosen nothing.  
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Solo : |: Em D :|: Am D :|: D :|: E :| (Something like this for "Think I'll sit down...") -0-------0----------------0--------0-2 0 -1--2-0- -0-------0----------------0--------0-3 1 -0--3-0- -0-------0----------------0--------0-2 0 -0--2-0- -X-------X----------------X--------X-0 2 -2--0-2- -2-slide-7----------------9--------7- 3 -2----2- -0-------0----------------0--------0-- - -0----0-
Em D C Em D Em Think I'll sit down and invent some fool --- some Grand Court Jester. C D G C Am D D B Em And next time the die is cast, he'll throw a six or two. In and out of the back-door, ran one front-door angel, Her hair was a golden-brown --- she smiled and I think she winked her eye.
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