Jethro Tull

Silver River Turning

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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Silver River Turning

Year: 2000 - Album: Nightcap: The Unreleased Masters 1973-1991

Written by Ian Anderson

Am... Am C G F  
Am... Am C G F G,  
F F G G  
D D Am   G G Am Am  
F C Am   G G Am Am  
G G Am Am                G Am Am                   G G Am Am  
           I walked down         that boulder road,  
                            C            G            F F Am  
Through a child's eye saw places where I used to go.  
                        G Am Am                      G G Am Am  
Where I crawled barefoot         with a fishing pole  
                   C               G        F F G  
to the rock that overlooked that steelhead hole  
             F F G G              D        Am    G G Am Am  
but it's true--     silver river turning blue.  
G G Am Am                    G Am Am                   G G Am Am  
          It was a small town        in a smaller world.  
                       C                G            F F Am  
Just a black dot on an old map with its edges curled.  
                                  G Am Am                      G G Am Am  
Where they built their industries        on the edge of town--  
           C            G           F F G  
Leaching chemicals from underground  
             F F G G                   D        Am  
now it's true--     that silver river turning blue.  
 G                F               C                   G    F F G  
Just got a late reaction.  Face reality and stare it down.  
                Bb     F                C          D     E  
Sometimes it's harder hanging on.  Much easier to look around.  
But I need that job.  
G G Am Am  
G G Am Am                         G Am Am                               G G  
Am Am  
         Well, this place no city:        we're just small players here.  
                      C               G             F F Am  
Like a million other heroes drinking poor man's beer.  
                     G Am Am                         G G Am Am  
We know what's right.        We're just living it wrong.  
                    C               G          F F G  
But there's no easy answer in the green man's song.  
                F F G G                  D          Am  
What do you do?         When your river's turning Blue.  
F#m C#m Bm F#m  
F#m C#m Bm F#m  
Em D C Am   G G Am Am  
G G Am Am                G Am Am                   G G Am Am  
           I walked down         that boulder road,  
                            C            G            F F Am  
Through a child's eye saw places where I used to go.  
                        G Am Am                      G G Am Am  
Where I crawled barefoot         with a fishing pole  
                   C               G        F F G  
to the rock that overlooked that steelhead hole  
             F F G G              D        Am    G G Am Am  
but it's true--     silver river turning blue.  
 G                F               C                   G    F F G  
Just got a late reaction.  Face reality and stare it down.  
                Bb     F                C          D     E  
Sometimes it's harder hanging on.  Much easier to look around.  
But I need that job.  
Intro repeat:  
Am... Am C G F  
Am... Am C G F G, 
Flute solo:  
D D Am  
G G Am Am   G G Am Am   C   G   F F Am  : repeat and fade 
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