Jethro Tull

Slow Marching Band

Jethro Tull

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Slow Marching Band

Written by Ian Anderson

	  		intro: G B7  Em  Em ///  G-C-D  G  D 

G  B7  Em  Em /// G-C  A D  D, A D D, A D D, A G   D-> 

D                      C        D 
 Would you join a slow marching band? 
         F#m              G 
And take pleasure in your leaving 

       D     Bm        A         A 
as the ferry sails and tears are dried 

    G         Em      G 
and cows come home at evening  


D                            C        D 
 Could you get behind a slow marching band? 

         F#m             G 
And join together in the passing 

   D      Bm             A     A 
of all we shared through yesterdays 

   G       Em   G 
in sorrows neverlasting  


G               D 
Take a hand and take a bow  

    C                     G       Bm 
You played for me; that's all for now, 

        Em    G        D 
oh, and never mind the words 

     G-D  Em       Am      C 
just hum along and keep on going  

C    D  Em      /// 
Walk on slowly - 

      G    C D    D    D-Dsus4-D 
don't look behind you  

      C   D   G    Em 
Don't say goodbye, love  

  G     C D 
I won't remind you  


D                   C           D 
 Dream of me as the nights draw cold 

      F#m                  G 
still marking time through Winter  

    D        Bm        A           A 
You paid the piper and called the tune 

        Bm          G     Em    A   A-A 
and you marched the band aw  -  ay  


G               D 
Take a hand and take a bow  

    C                     G       Bm 
You played for me; that's all for now, 

        Em    G        D 
oh, and never mind the words 

     G-D  Em       Am      C 
just hum along and keep on going  

C    D  Em      /// 
Walk on slowly - 

      G    C D    D    D-Dsus4-D 
don't look behind you  

      C   D   G    Em 
Don't say goodbye, love  

  G     C D    D 
I won't remind you  

C D    D 
remind you  
C D    D 
remind you     

C  G  D     
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