
I Do




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I Do

Capo on 3rd fret
	  		 or 4 

Intro: C  D  Em 

We've been doing this war dance together 
For some time I know 
We've been treating love like a battlefield 
Taking it slow 
     Em                    D/F# 
But will you blink?   What do you think? 

      G         C                  D 
The union we propose is dangerous, I know... 

C D Love is a game until it's played G D Em And if it's lost it can't ever be saved C D We have heaven to win and hell to lose G D Em But the difference is up to me and you C D C So if you will, I will stop saying I won't D And start saying I do
(Interlude) C D Em (Verse) G But life can take a long time C If you make the wrong choice G C Time sure seems to fly by when I hear your voice Em The stakes are high, D/F# G C How will we find the courage to believe? D We will succeed (Chorus end on Em instead of D) (Bridge) Em Am7 C Well our hearts are locked inside an iron box Em Am7 We're both too afraid to reveal C G D Em C9 G D C Our most tender parts, oh - oh Last Chorus: C D Love is a game until it's played G D Em And if it's lost it can't ever be saved C D We have heaven to win and hell to lose G D Em But the difference is up to me and you C D C So if you will, I will stop saying I won't D Stop saying I can't C Is that what you said D 'Cause if you did, I do (Outro) C D Em
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