Jim Croce

A long time ago

Jim Croce

ukulele Expert expert


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A long time ago

Year: 2004 - Album: Classic Hits

Written by Jim Croce

	  		Intro: G - D - Em - C - G/B - Am - C - G 
G                 D          Em 
Seems like such a long time ago 
C     G/B        Am  C  G 
I was walking on lonely road 
G                D         Em 
Getting tired of dreamin' alone 
C            G/B           Am C   G 
Like all the lonely people I  had known 
Seems like such a long time ago 
There was no-one who would share my song 
I was just a boy far from home 
And I became a man when you came along 
C  C/B       Am    Am/G     Em 
We spent the whole night talking 
    D          C       G       D   G 
You said you'd like to see the sun rise 
C   C/B    Am   Am/G  Em 
But in the gold of morning 
                  D      C       G       D    G 
There was nothing that I had not seen in your eyes 
Em   D 
C          G/B 
I was so afraid to touch you 
A                    G 
Thought you were too young to know 
C                     C/B        Am Em D 
So I just watched you sleeping 
C                 G/B 
Then you woke and said to me 
    Am               G 
The night is cold it frightens me 
C                C/B          Am Em D 
I could sleep so easy next to you 
Wasn't very long ago 
You said that you would like to share my road 
Then you started singing my song 
You said so many nights are waiting 
Let's not spent a moment waisting time 
'Cause we have very far to go 
I will go if you will take me 
I have never had a lover 
I am young but I am so alone 
We spent the whole night talking 
But in the gold of morning 
Em D   D7  G 
Hmmm,  mmm mmm 
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Intro & verse (Seems like such a long time ago...) G - D - Em - - - e|3-----3-----2-----------|0--------------3--2--3--| b|0-----------3-----3-----|0-----0--------0--0--0--| g|---0-----0-----2-----2--|---0-----0--------------| d|------------0-----------|------------------------| a|------------------------|------------------------| E|3-----------------------|0-----------0-----------| C - G/B - - - - - e|0-----0-----------0-----|5--3-----1--------------| b|1-----------3-----------|5--1-----0--------------| g|---0-----0-----0-----0--|---------------------0--| d|------------------------|---------------0--0h2---| a|3-----------2-----------|0--3--------------------| E|------------------------|---------3--------------|
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