Jim Croce

Alabama Rain

Jim Croce

ukulele Beginner beginner

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Alabama Rain

Year: 2004 - Album: Classic Hits

	  		A            Bm        A              Bm  E  
Lazy days in mid July, country sunday mornings  
A             Bm               F#m      C#m   Bm  E   
dusty haze on summer highways, sweet magnolia calling  
D              C#m         Bm              C#m  
Now and then I find myself thinking of the days  
             F#m     Bm     Dmaj7  E    A  
that we were walking in the Ala -- bama rain  
A               Bm            A                 Bm  E   
Drive-in movies friday night, drinking beer and laughin'  
A                   Bm            F#m        C#m       Bm  E  
somehow things were always right, just don't know what hap-pened  
D              C#m         Bm              C#m  
Now and then I find myself thinking of the days  
             F#m     Bm     Dmaj7  E    A A7  
that we were walking in the Ala -- bama rain  
D       E    A        F#m  Bm          E       A 
We were only kids but then,  I never heard it said  
                D       E        A        F#m  Bm  
that kids can't fall in love and feel the same  
              E                       E7  
I can still remember the first time I told I loved you  
A          Bm        A                Bm  E  
On a dusty mid July, country summer's evening  
A                Bm            F#m    C#m        Bm   E  
a weeping willow sung its lullaby and shared our se - cret  
D              C#m         Bm              C#m  
Now and then I find myself thinking of the days  
             F#m     Bm     Dmaj7  E    A  
that we were walking in the Ala -- bama rain  (2x)  
   "Heisenberg may have been here". 

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