Jim Croce

Rapid Roy The Stock Car Boy

Jim Croce

ukulele Easy easy


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Rapid Roy The Stock Car Boy

Capo on 9th fret

Oh, Rapid Roy that stock car boy   
   C7             G   
He too much too believe   
            C7                          G   
You know he always got an extra pack of cigarettes   
       A7                D7   
Rolled up in his t-shirt sleeve   
He got a tattoo on his arm that say "baby"   
       C7                         A7   
He got another one that just say "hey"   
          G                        Em7   
But every Sunday afternoon he is a dirt track demon   
      A7         D7     G   
In a fifty-seven Chevrolet   

Oh, Rapid Roy that stock car boy   
         C7                 G   
He's the best driver in the land   
   C7                            G   
He say that he learned to race a stock car   
           A7             C7   
By runnin' shine outta Alabam'   
Oh, the demolition derby and the figure-eight   
   C7                A7   
Is easy money in the bank   
            G                       Em7   
Compared to runnin' from the Man in Oklahoma City   
       A7                  G   
With a five-hundred gallon tank   

Oh, Rapid Roy that stock car boy   
   C7             G   
He too much too believe   
            C7                          G   
You know he always got an extra pack of cigarettes   
       A7                D7   
Rolled up in his t-shirt sleeve   
He got a tattoo on his arm that say "baby"   
       C7                         A7   
He got another one that just say "hey"   
          G                        Em7   
But every Sunday afternoon he is a dirt track demon   
      A7         D7     G   
In a fifty-seven Chevrolet   

Yeah, Roy's so cool, that racin' fool   
         C7                G   
He don't know what fear's about.   
        C7                           G   
He do a hundred-thirty mile an hour, smilin' at the camera   
       A7                D7   
With a tooth pick in his mouth.   
He got a girl back home, name of Dixie Dawn   
           C7                   A7   
But he got honeys all along the way   
        G                                  Em7   
And you oughta hear 'em screamin' for that dirt track demon   
      A7         D7     G   
In a fifty-seven Chevrolet   

Oh, Rapid Roy that stock car boy   
   C7             G   
He too much too believe   
            C7                          G   
You know he always got an extra pack of cigarettes   
       A7                D7   
Rolled up in his t-shirt sleeve   
He got a tattoo on his arm that say "baby"   
       C7                         A7   
He got another one that just say "hey"   
          G                        Em7   
But every Sunday afternoon he is a dirt track demon   
      A7         D7     G   
In a fifty-seven Chevrolet   

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