Joe Diffie

I Ain't Leavin' Til She's Gone

Joe Diffie


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I Ain't Leavin' Til She's Gone

Written by Joe Diffie/Wayne Perry/Lonnie Wilson

	  		(F) (C) (G) 
(F) (C) (G) 
Buddy give me a (G) bottle 
(C) I'm gonna drink it (G) dry 
Then I'll fill it back (D) up 
With the tears I (G) cry 
Gonna stay in this (C) barroom 
All night, til (G) dawn 
Cause all she left me when she (D) left 
Was a(G)lone 
I ain't (F) leavin' (C) til she's (G) gone 
She won't (C) leave, til I get (D) stoned 
I'm gonna (C) sit here on this stool 
Til her (G) burnin' memory (C) cools 
Friend, (Am) you can call some(C)one to take me (D) home 
Cause, I ain't (F) leavin' (C) til she's (G) gone 
(F) (C) (G) 
(F) (C) (G) 
When you're down in the (G) whiskey  
(C) It's a long way (G) up 
When one drink's too (D) many 
And ten ain't en(G)ough 
Oh, but she's still (C) here 
So, I'll have one (G) more 
I'll just hang a(D)round 
Til they close the (G) door 
I ain't (F) leavin' (C) til she's (G) gone 
She won't (C) leave, til I get (D) stoned 
I'm gonna (C) sit here on this stool 
Til her (G) burnin' memory (C) cools 
Friend, (Am) you can call some(C)one to take me (D) home 
Cause, I ain't (F) leavin' (C) til she's (G) gone 
I'm gonna (C) sit here on this stool 
Til her (G) burnin' memory (C) cools 
Friend, (Am) you can call some(C)one to take me (D) home 
Cause, I ain't (F) leavin' (C) til she's (G) gone 
Tabbed By Christopher R. 
Knoxville, TN 

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