Joe Diffie

I'd Like To Have A Problem Like That

Joe Diffie


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I'd Like To Have A Problem Like That

Written by John Greenebaum/Tony Martin/Sterling Whipple

Capo on 1st fret
Intro: (E)  (E)  (E)  (E)  (D)  (A)  (E) 
I'm not a (E) wealthy man, don't pay for my suntan 
I (A) work out in the heat and the (E) cold 
Sometimes I'd like to be the big, bad wolf 
'Stead of (F#) just another sheep in the (B7) fold 
I hear the (E) rich man holler 'bout the shrinking dollar 
And (A) cry about a luxury tax 
They won't (E) let him write (A) off his lil' eighty-foot yacht 
I'd (E) like to have a (B7) problem like (E) that 
	Yeah, I'd (A7) like to have a problem like that 
	Should (E) I buy the Porsche or the stretch Cadillac 
	Do I (A) wanna drive fast or just ride around in the (B) back 
	I'd like to have a problem like (E) that 
I (E) saw a celebrity talkin' on the T.V. 
He (A) looked like a tall Tom (E) Cruise 
He's seeing Sheila and Bambi, Linda and Candy 
They're (F#) burning both ends of his (B7) fuse 
He says (E) he's suffocating, he needs a vacation 
He (A) can't find time to relax 
From all the (E) kissing and (A) hugging, the sweet talk and loving 
I'd (E) like to have a (B7) problem like (E) that 
	Oh, I'd (A) like to have a problem like that 
	Be a (E) one-man woman juggling act 
	How (A) many can you keep in the air before you lose (B) track 
	I'd like to have a problem like (E) that 
I'd like to (A) be too rich, I'd to (E) be too thin 
I'd like to (B7) be too young, I'd like to (E) be too in 
Should I (A) kiss and tell, write a (E) book on my life 
And (F#) how much can I get for the (B) movie rights 
	Oh, I'd (A) like to have a problem like that 
	Be a (E) tabloid star at the checkout rack 
	Should I (A) drag 'em through court 
	`Or tell 'em to kiss my (B) fax 
	I'd like to have a problem like (E) that 
	(n.c.) Give me those (A) problems 
	I (E) think that I could solve 'em 
	I'd (B) like to have a (A) problem like (E) that 
Fade out... 
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