Joe Diffie

There Goes The Neighborhood

Joe Diffie


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There Goes The Neighborhood

Written by Tommy Dodson/Bill C. Graham/William Graham/Alan Laney

	  		G                   D                C 
The house next door just came up for sale 
G                   D        C 
She's goin' home to Mama she says, "He can go to hell." 
G                             D               C 
The couple down the block are splittin' up, I hear 
          G                         D    Bm 
There the third one's on our street this year 
           C             D          G 
It's just another day in Anytown, USA 
C                           D     G               C 
Somebody's hurt, somebody's blue, somebody moves away 
     G                 D                  C 
What little they do to make it work don't seem to do much good 
                G    D                      G 
When love moves out, there goes the neighborhood 
G                D                 C 
First, they take off their wedding bands 
G                       D               C 
They call it quits then call the moving vans 
G                D         C 
He takes his and she takes hers 
                 G        D               Bm 
And what's left over gets left out on the curb 
           C             D          G 
It's just another day in Anytown, USA 
C                           D     G               C 
Somebody's hurt, somebody's blue, somebody moves away 
     G                 D                  C 
What little they do to make it work don't seem to do much good 
                G    D                      G 
When love moves out, there goes the neighborhood 
           C             D          G 
It's just another day in Anytown, USA 
C                           D     G               C 
Somebody's hurt, somebody's blue, somebody moves away 
     G                 D                  C 
What little they do to make it work don't seem to do much good 
                G    D                      G 
When love moves out, there goes the neighborhood 
                G    D                      G 
When love moves out, there goes the neighborhood 
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