Julio Iglesias

I've Got You Under My Skin

Julio Iglesias

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I've Got You Under My Skin

Written by Coler Porter

	  		Intro:  Ab7M  Eb7M  Ab7M  
        Eb7M  Gm7(5-)  C7 

     Fm        Bb7     Eb 
I've got you under my skin 
      Fm       Bb7         Eb 
I've got you deep in the heart of me 
     Fm                   Bb7             Eb      Cm 
So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me 
      Fm       Bb7     Eb  Cm 
I've got you under my skin 
       Fm                Bb7        Eb 
I'd sacrifice anything, come what might 

For the sake of having you near 
    Gm7(5-)  C7   Fm              Fm7(5-) 
In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night 
      Eb                    Bb 
And repeats, repeats in my ear 
           Cm           Ab7M               Gm 
Don't you know little fool, you never can win 
       Fm        Bb7          Gm  Eb 
Use your mentality, wake up to reality 
 Ab            Abm6 
But each time that I do, just the thought of you 
           Eb       Gm7(5-)  C7(4)  C7 
Makes me stop before I begin 
 Fm     Bb7   Abm6    Eb 
'Cause I've got you under my skin 

Solo:  Ab7M  Eb7M  Ab7M  Eb7M  
       Gm7(5-)  C7  Fm  Bb7  
       Eb  Fm  Bb7  Eb   
       Eb7M  Fm  Bb7  Cm 
       Fm  Bb7  Eb  Fm   
       Bb7  Eb 

         Fm      Bb7          Eb 
I'd sacrifice anything, come what might 
         Fm       Bb7      Eb 
For the sake of having you near 
    Gm7(5-)    C7    Fm       Fm7(5-) 
In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night 
And repeats, how it yells in my ear 
           Cm       Ab7M                Gm 
Don't you know you fool, you never can win 
          Fm       Bb7        Gm   Eb 
Use your mentality, wake up to reality? 
 Ab             Abm6 
But each time I do, just the thought of you 
          Eb            Gm7(5-) C7(4)  C7 
Makes me stop just before I begin 
   Fm        Bb7     Abm6     Eb  Cm 
'Cause I've got you under my skin 
 Fm          Bb7     Abm6     Eb 
Cause I've got you under my skin 

Final:  Ab7M  Eb7M  Ab7M  Eb7M  
        Ab7M  Eb7  Ab7M  Eb7M 
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