Kate Wolf

We Were Strangers

Kate Wolf

ukulele Easy easy


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We Were Strangers

Written by Kate Wolf


Intro: C  G  C 

                                F                        G 
You never asked for much, but I loved you just the same 
                               F              C 
You with your quiet eyes and a face without a name 
You stood there staring as I sang another song 
C                       G                    C      C7 
We were strangers then, we weren't strangers long 

       C                          F                   G 
It was all that I could do not to turn away and hide 
                                   F                 C 
You stared right through me as you stood there at my side 
The things I read in those blue eyes, they seemed so calm and strong 
C                       G                    C      C7 
We were strangers then, we weren't strangers long 

    F                                    C 
Now we weren't strangers long, though we never spoke at all 
    D7                                  G 
But in your eyes I saw you knew we were heading for a fall 
  C                               F 
I love you so completely, I never thought it might be wrong 
C                           G                    C 
We were strangers then, but we weren't strangers long 

Instrumental: C  F  G  F  C    F  G  C   

                     F               C 
We weren't strangers long, though we never spoke at all 
D7                                  G 
In your eyes I saw you knew we were heading for a fall 
  C                               F                          C 
I knew you so completely, I never thought it might be wrong 
                            G                    C     
We were strangers then, but we weren't strangers long 

Just like a book when it's read between the lines 
         G                              F                C 
It's the words that weren't spoken that told me you were mine 
                                F                    C 
And now the pages turn, but the story still goes on 
                        G          D         C      D C 
We were strangers then, we weren't strangers long 
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