Keith And Renee

Feel Good Thing

Keith And Renee

ukulele Easy easy


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Feel Good Thing

Capo on 3rd fret

C     G     Em7    D 
                     Yeah Yeah 
C     G     Em7    D 

Verse 1:

C G You look so good Em7 D Swinging to the beat of the music C G Had to jump right in Em7 D Starting with baby how you doing C G The stars are right tonight Em7 D And we’re caught up in the midnight moment C G D Baby you got everything I want
N.C. C G It’s just a feel good thing Em7 D C G You and me baby in the moon light falling in Em7 D Getting lost in each other in the song, like kissin C G Can’t get enough of what we got Em7 D C G Em7 D Baby I’m hooked on this feel good thing

Verse 2:

C G Nights like these Em7 D Don’t come around too often C G I’m buzzing on Em7 D This good time that’s come knocking C G I’m all I know right now Em7 D Cause I’m digging everything you’re doing C G D Baby, It’s getting a little closer to love
D C G It’s just a feel good thing Em7 D C G You and me baby in the moon light falling in Em7 D Getting lost in each other in the song, like kissin C G Can’t get enough of what we got Em7 D C G D Baby I’m hooked on this feel good thing C G D This feel good thing


Am7 Shot in the dark C These two racing hearts
N.C. C G It’s just a feel good thing Em7 D C G You and me baby in the moon light falling in Em7 D Getting lost in each other in the song, like kissin C G Can’t get enough of what we got Em7 D C G Em7 Baby I’m hooked on this feel good thing
Outro: D C G Em7 This feel good thing D C G Em7 This feel good thing D C This feel good thing
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