


ukulele Easy easy


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Key:  Em More
Crave Key BmBm
Crave Key CmCm
Crave Key C#mC#m
Crave Key DmDm(one step down)
Crave Key D#mD#m(half step down)
Crave Key EmEm(original key)
Crave Key FmFm(half step up)
Crave Key F#mF#m(one step up)
Crave Key GmGm
Crave Key G#mG#m
Crave Key AmAm
Crave Key A#mA#m
verse 1 
You keep it minimal 
C                            G 
It's just enough to feed my bones 

And in the hard light 
I'm crying out for more 
Come and turn it on 
      C        G      D 
And run away from your feelings 
              Em         C 
And I don't get your dark way of living 
G                 D 
Always get me dreaming just to let me down 
Bm                        C 
I guess we're scared to leave 
Bm               C 
Oh come on, please 

Why don't you 

Em C G D Crave me Em C And darling I've been saving G D All of my energy Em C For when I come and see you're drinking on the streets And just sipping like G D You make me wanna shake it off Em And I've been feelin' free for the day C But then I'm aching again G D And I pretend that I don't crave your love
verse 2 Em You keep it minimal C G Sometimes I can't feel you at all But every now and then D You make me wonderful Em C Live on the edge with me G D 'Cause we don't really need the rest of them Em C But I don't get your cruel way of giving G D Oh then taking it right back to the start Bm C I guess I'm scared to breathe Bm C 'Cause all I think I need is you to
Em C G D Crave me Em C And darling I've been saving G D All of my energy Em C For when I come and see you're drinking on the streets And just sipping like G D You make me wanna shake it off Em And I've been feelin' free for the day C But then I'm aching again G D And I pretend that I don't crave your love
Bridge Em Race round I C G D Don't really know, just what Em C Darling, I stay G D Even when you're gone again
Em C G D Crave me Em C And darling I've been saving G D All of my energy Em C For when I come and see you're drinking on the streets And just sipping like G D You make me wanna shake it off Em And I've been feelin' free for the day C But then I'm aching again G D And I pretend that I don't crave your love
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