Lemon Demon


Lemon Demon

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Verse 1:

B Bm Miraculous in its own way E Em F# Borrowing time from space B Bm The color scheme is familiar E Em F# Maybe it's painted that way Bm D Bm A A shadow dances in your memory, it happens while you sleep G F# Do you remember why it's there? Bm D Bm A Is it a subset of reality? A scepter in a shell? G F# Or is it the other way around?
G E Welcome to Somnolence G E Oneiric Somnolence G E Approaching Somnolence G E Oneiric Somnolence

Verse 2:

B Bm Cascading into your mind's eye E F# Shaping your night, shaping your life B D The color scheme is familiar E G F#m F# Maybe it's painted red but it's in your head forever Bm D We are Pandora's when we fall asleep A G F# Our memories are locked inside a box inside a mind Bm D They roll to the deep end from the shallow end A G F# It happens while you sleep, and you are dreaming all the way!
G E Welcome to Somnolence G E Oneiric Somnolence G E Approaching Somnolence G E Oneiric Somnolence
Instrumental B Bm F# Em G F G (x6) B C# E D B Bm E Em F# (x3)
G E Welcome to Somnolence G E Oneiric Somnolence G E Approaching Somnolence G E Oneiric Somnolence
Outro Bm
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