Lewis Watson


Lewis Watson

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Key:  G More
Bones Key DD
Bones Key D#D#
Bones Key EE
Bones Key FF(one step down)
Bones Key F#F#(half step down)
Bones Key GG(original key)
Bones Key G#G#(half step up)
Bones Key AA(one step up)
Bones Key A#A#
Bones Key BB
Bones Key CC
Bones Key C#C#

Intro: G2 D C (2x) 

Verse 1 

               G2       D              C 
just open your eyes, no don't be scared at all. 

                   G2                 D                  C 
we'll jump out of aeroplanes and the lakes will break our fall, 

                G2            D                C 
no don't make a sound because i'll be with you the whole way down. 

C                           Cmaj7 
and i told you everything. 

Verse 2: 
                      G2              D           C        
and i know it's quite soon but you've got a lovely heart 

                            G2        D                  C 
and i hope that you feel it too and a flame follows these sparks. 

                   G2           D                 C 
just don't tell me lies because i've been let down too many times. 

C                           Cmaj7 
and i told you everything. 

G Bm7 so i'll spend the night looking into your eyes Em7 Csus2 because i want to remember them if i ever fall blind G Bm7 we could jump in the ocean and sink like stones Em7 Csus2 but that's ok with me baby 'cause i'll be next to your bones
(Repeat Intro) Verse 3 G2 D C we can spend the rest of our lives, by the old reservoir. G2 D C looking at satellites, waiting for a shooting star. G2 D C although my wish has been made and i found you, i'll just wish you stay C Cmaj7 because i love your everything
G Bm7 so i'll spend the night looking into your eyes Em7 Csus2 because i want to remember them if i ever fall blind G Bm7 we could jump in the ocean and sink like stones but that's ok with me baby 'cause Csus2 i'll be next to your bones
Outro: G Bm7 Em7 Csus2 G
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