Lily Allen

Take My Place

Lily Allen

ukulele Easy easy


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Take My Place

Written by Lily Allen/Greg Kurstin/Karen Ann Poole

	  		Intro: D - Bm - F#m - A 

verse 1: 

D    Bm              F#m    A 
As I lay down on the bed 
D        Bm                F#m               A 
Try'na come to terms with what has just been said 
D         Bm                F#m              A 
I don't know where I should look or what to say 
D            Bm       F#m    
Is this happening to us today? 

Em G Bm If I could then I would scream D Em I'd wipe the tears off of my face G Bm Wake me up if it's a dream D Em This is more than I can take G Bm I'd give everything I own D Em G If someone else could take my place Bm D D Will someone else please take my place?
D - Bm - F#m - A verse 2: D Bm F#m A How can life be so unfair? D Bm F#m A I can't breathe, in fact I'm choking on the air D Bm F#m A It's all over, I can see it on your eyes D Bm F#m Pull my hand down, heavily I sigh
Em G Bm If I could then I would scream D Em I'd wipe the tears off of my face G Bm Wake me up if it's a dream D Em This is more than I can take G Bm I'd give everything I own D Em G If someone else could take my place Bm D D Will someone else please take my place?
Bridge: D - Bm - F#m - A
Em G Bm If I could then I would scream D Em I'd wipe the tears off of my face G Bm Wake me up if it's a dream D Em This is more than I can take G Bm I'd give everything I own D Em G If someone else could take my place Bm D D Will someone else please take my place?
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