Little Green Cars

Goodbye Blue Monday

Little Green Cars

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Goodbye Blue Monday

Capo on 3rd fret
Standard tuning,  

Tabbed by Brett Morris 

Listen to the track for the right hand pattern. The nice hook on the G chord is made by  
adding and removing your first finger on the first fret of the B string. See the bottom  
for chord fingerings. 

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|--3/5--3--0-----| |-------------3--| |----------------| |----------------| |----------------| |----------------|
G And so G It starts G And like the rest G Bm7 It too will end B7 It will my friend C (Riff) And if my eyes start turning white G Am At least I'll know that you thought G I thought I was right G There was G A time G When I thought G Bm7 I was king B7 You could be queen C (Riff) So it's a bad time to hear G Am It's gonna be a long G And lonely year Am F# G So if you can't tell me how you felt Am F# G It's probably better I make it up myself Am F# G Because if I thought you loved me once Am F# Then I'd be happy G Forever And who will right And who will fight For this man I know I am And if you're running out of space Please don't erase your time with me And tell me Just like you would If we were kids Those things we did Because it's a god's thing to see When you're with me Way back when Am F# G So if you can't tell me how you felt Am F# G It's probably better I make it up myself Am F# G Because if I thought you loved me once Am F# Then I'd be happy G Forever Some chord fingerings:
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Bm7 |---|-4-|---| 0---|---|---| |---|-3-|---| 0---|---|---| |---|-2-|---| X---|---|---| B7 |---|-4-|---| 0---|---|---| |---|-3-|---| |-1-|---|---| |---|-2-|---| X---|---|---| C |---|-4-|---| |-1-|---|---| 0---|---|---| |---|-2-|---| |---|---|-3-| X---|---|---|
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