Lori Carson

Twisting My Words

Lori Carson

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Twisting My Words

Written by Lori Carson

Capo on 2nd fret

A                  E 
Well aren't we all grown up 

A            F#m                       E 
We were only children, but who knew it then? 

D         A           D        A 
Lovers before we knew anything more 

         F#m       E           D              A 
For each lesson in tenderness, learned on the floor 

          E         D           A             E 
There was one about twisting my words, to console you 

          C#m        D         F#m 
One about hiding the black and blue 

    D         A           E         D 
And one about leaving the back door open 

        A         F#m      E          A 
For the endlessly running away that I do 

     A                  E      
The rain took me by surprise 

A                  F#m            E 
Though I'd heard a wild storm was coming that night 

     D             A             D         A 
I've learned to ignore these predictions alright 

     F#m         E             D            A 
Well partly it's stubbornness, some of it's spite 

    E           D           A            E 
But mostly it's twisting my words to console you 

            C#m        D         F#m 
Mostly it's hiding the black and blue 

    D           A           E         D 
And always it's leaving the back door open 

        A         F#m     E           A 
For the endlessly running away that I do 

    A                        E            
Now you think you're here to stay, it's like that joke 

A           F#m                     E 
How can you miss me if you won't go away 

     D         A           D                A 
Well darling I might still surprise you one day 

         F#m          E            D          A    
For each sincere good morning I've managed to say 

             E         D           A            E 
There's been one about twisting my words to console you 

            C#m      D         F#m 
One about hiding the black and blue 

    D         A           E         D 
And one about leaving the back door open 

        A         F#m      E         A 
For the endlessly running away that I do 

From you 

        A         F#m     E          A 
For the endlessly running away that I do 
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