Loud Harp

On Solid Ground

Loud Harp

ukulele Easy easy


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On Solid Ground


verse 1: 
    D        D/C#      Asus 
My hope is built on solid ground 
    D/B  D/C#       D 
My feet they won't move 
D          D/C#            Asus 
I dare not trust my carnal blood 
    D/B  D/C#        D 
I'll wholly lean on You 

D/B           D     
  Jesus, Jesus in You I'm hidden & I'm safe 
D/B           D  
  Jesus, Jesus in You I'm given life & grace 

verse 2: 
      D          D/C#    Asus       
When darkness tries to hide Your face 
   D/B   D/C#      D 
My feet they won't trip 
        D          D/C#       Asus 
Through every storm & restless place 
     D/B       D/C#            D 
Your voice will guide me safely home 

D/B                                          D 
  When the trumpet sounds, may I be found in You 
D/B                            D 
  Clothed in Your righteousness and found in Your truth 

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