Lucy Rose

Be Alright

Lucy Rose

ukulele Easy easy


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Be Alright

Written by Lucy Rose Parton

Capo on 5th fret

G               C        D 
It's taken me a while to tell you 
G             C             D 
Exactly how I feel inside 
G                     C             D 
The words may seem so simple right now 
G               C       D 
But they took a while to find 

C       D            G      Em    Cadd9 
Is this what you call love, love, love 

C       D       G 
This is what I'm thinking of 

Because I knew 
Em             Cadd9 
That you would be alright 
G                              Em          Cadd9 
And in my heart you would stay awhile with me 
G                    Em             Cadd9 
And we danced in the morning light 
G                                     Em 
And you said to me, you said we'll be alright 
Cadd9            G 
Yeah we'll be alright 


G                    C         D 
Please don't tell me you have moved on 
G                C          D 
Just give me one chance to explain 
G                     C                 D 
My feelings are still here and growing 
G                     C                D 
They're new to me and I'm still learning 

C       D             G     Em    Cadd9 
Is this what you call love, love, love 

C       D       G 
This is what I'm thinking of 

Because I knew 
     Em           Cadd9 
That you would be alright 
G                              Em         Cadd9 
And in my heart you would stay awhile with me 
G                Em             Cadd9 
And we danced in the morning light 
G                                  Em 
And you said to me, you said we'll be alright 
Cadd9            G 
Yeah we'll be alright 

G          C      D 
Yeah we'll be alright 

C       D            G 
Is this what you call love? 
C       D             G 
Is this what you call love? 
C       D             G     Em    Cadd9 
Is this what you call love, love, love 

C       D    G 
This is what I'm thinking of 

Because I knew 
Em                Cadd9 
That you would be alright 
G                              Em          Cadd9 
And in my heart you would stay awhile with me 
G                    Em                  Cadd9 
And we danced in the morning light 
G                            Em 
And you said to me, you said we'll be alright 
Cadd9            G 
Yeah we'll be alright 
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