Luke Underhill


Luke Underhill

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Intro: F# B F# B 

Something bout the way that you flip your hair 

Something bout the way that you stop and stare 

F#              B 
It's something, it's something 

Something bout the way that you blink your eyes 

Something about how you catch me by surprise  

F#              B 
It's something, it's something  

Break: F# B F# B 

Something bout the way that you walk down the halls 

Something bout the way that you answer your calls 

F#              B 
It's something, it's something 

Something bout the way that you pucker your lips 

Something bout the way that you swing your hips 

F#              B 
It's something, it's something 

Pre-Chorus 1: 

Ebm                  C# 
I wanna be close to you 

Ebm                 B 
With everything you do 


F#              B 
Baby, cant you see' 

F#            B 
You are everything 

Ebm             C# 
From head to toe, from high to low 

Ebm                  B 
Baby, can't you see' You are everything to me 

Break: F# B F# B 

verse 2: 

Something bout the way that you say my name 

Something about how you turn my heart to flames 

F#              B 
It's something, it's something 

Something bout the way that you touch my skin 

Something about how you always get me to grin  

F#              B 
It's something, it's something  


Ebm                  C# 
I wanna be close to you 

Ebm                 B 
With everything you do 


F#              B 
Baby, cant you see' 

F#            B 
You are everything 

Ebm             C# 
From head to toe, from high to low 

Ebm                  B 
Baby, can't you see' You are everything to me 

Bridge: F# B F# B 
        Ebm C# Ebm B 
        F# B F# B 


F#              B 
Baby, cant you see' 

F#            B 
You are everything 

Ebm             C# 
From head to toe, from high to low 

Ebm                  B 
Baby, can't you see' You are everything to me 
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