
Beauty Of Dawn


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Beauty Of Dawn

Written by Malukah

	  		CAPO I 

Am  F  Am  G 

Am                    G       Am 
A serpent lights the ancient sky 
     F          G     Am 
A threat of tainted stars 
  Am            G      Am 
Evil stirs and in its wake 
   F           G      Am 
The souls of mortals sway 

F         Am 
Sorrow reigns 
G             Am 
Over fields of red 
F         Am 
Spirits pace 
G                                   Dm 
Through the shadows cast by their graves 

     Am             C         G          Dm 
These are days and nights of venom and blood 
 Am          C           G       Em 
Heroes will rise as the anchors fall 
F            Am      G           Dm 
Brave the strife, reclaim every soul 
F            Em                Am 
That belongs to the Beauty of Dawn 

Am  F  Am  G  x2 

Am                G              Am 
Darkness strikes to blind the strong 
     F           G         Am 
But Faith will guide our swords 
Am              G           Am 
Loyal hearts we'll stand as one 
     F              G      Am 
And fight with shields of Hope 

F                      Am 
Pride fuels the deadly fire 
G                          Am 
That devours our tower of gold 
F                           Am 
The drums of war will rage and roar 
G                             Dm 
'Til the sun burns bright once more 

          Am        C        G           Dm 
These are days and nights of venom and blood 
 Am          C             G     Em 
Heroes will rise as the anchors fall 
F            Am       G           Dm 
Brave the strife, reclaim every soul 
F              Em              Am 
That belongs to the Beauty of Dawn 

Am    C     G     Dm      Am      C        G          Am 
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