Mando Diao

Down in the past (ver. 2)

Mando Diao


by  FLESH12

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Down in the past (ver. 2)

Written by Björn Dixgård /Gustaf Norén

Well I don't wanna hang around with you 
             Em                                Bm 
I've got my motor baby and I'm gonna see you through 
You think I wanna be alone with you 
            Em                                 Bm 
It doesn't matter baby cause you're overreacted too 
D                           F#                 Bm 
But since you're down there, where will I just be 
D                     Em                        F# 
I'm getting fine girl, dressing up for stormy weather 

Bm Em D F# So touch me down in the past where my mother will last Bm Em D F# And it's true that I'm in for a punch and a blast G A D F# Yeah down in the past where my mother will last G A Bm And she will make sure that you remember
Bm Well I don't wanna slide away with you Em Bm I've got ten little soldiers pointing at you Bm Honey you just left me for a new one Em Bm It doesn’t matter baby cause your hair is ugly too D F# Bm But since you're down there, where will I just be D Em F# I'm getting fine girl, dressing up for stormy weather
Bm Em D F# So touch me down in the past where my mother will last Bm Em D F# And it's true that I'm in for a punch and a blast G A D F# Yeah down in the past where my mother will last G A Bm And she will make sure that you remember
Bm Well I don't wanna hang around with you Em Bm I've got my motor baby and I'm gonna see you through Bm You think I wanna be alone with you Em Bm It doesn't matter baby cause you're overreacted too
Bm Em D F# So touch me down in the past where my mother will last Bm Em D F# And it's true that I'm in for a punch and a blast G A D F# Yeah down in the past where my mother will last G A Bm And she will make sure that you remember
Bm That you remember... F# That you remember... Bm Come on Em Come on D Come on F# come on G Come on A Come on Bm come on
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