Mary Stalling

But Not For Me

Mary Stalling

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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But Not For Me

Written by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin

     E7      A     D      Dm7     A  
They're writing songs of love, but not for me  
 B7        E7        D     A  
A lucky star's above, but not for me 
  A7       D   Bm7 Bm5-/7        
With love to lead the way   
     Cdim     F#m  
I've found more clouds of gray  
    F#m7  A       Bm7       Bm5-/7  E7 Bm5-/7 E7  
Than any Russian play could guarantee 
      A      D      Dm7      A  
I was a fool to fall and get that way  
       B7     E7       A          
Heigh-ho! Alas! And also lack-a-day 
  A7     D     Cdim      A        B7  
Although I can't dismiss the memory of her kiss  
         Bm5-/7  E7  A  
I guess she's not for me 
 E7        A   D     Dm7      A  
She's knocking on a door, but not for me 
         B7     E7      D     A  
She'll plan a two by four, but not for me  
   A7      D   Bm7 Bm5-/7        
I know that love's a  game  
   Cdim     A        F#m  
I'm puzzled, just the same  
  F#m7    A                 Bm7   Bm5-/7   E7  
Was I a moth or flame?  I'm all at sea 
       A     D       Dm7      A  
It all began so well   but what an end  
        B7      E7         A  
This is the time a fellow needs a friend 
  A7     D   Cdim              A        B7  
When ev'ry happy plot ends with a marriage knot  
        Bm5-/7   E7     A  
And there's no knot for me 
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