Matraca Berg

Back In The Saddle

Matraca Berg


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Back In The Saddle

	  		Back in the Saddle 
written by: Matraca Berg/Gary Harrison 
CD: Sunday Morning to Saturday Night - Matraca Berg 
From: [email protected] 
I came down from the Cadillac dude ranch, health spa 
Nestled on the edge of town 
For fourteen days I've been herbal wrapped, mud packed 
Now I'm bustin' out 
F                            G 
Well I thought the wild west wasn't for me 
F                    G 
You walked up like a bow-legged dream 
         F                G 
When you said yes ma'am I thought I'd scream 
    D                      A 
Oh, put me in your big ol' pick up truck 
Take me to the rodeo 
  D                        A 
I don't know a thing about broncin' bucks 
And I can't do-ci-do 
But I can put you back in the saddle, baby 
      G            A 
Yeah, stand you up tall 
              G           A 
I can put you back in the saddle, baby 
Yeah, and that ain't all 
Well it must've been the burned out new age coffee house 
So called sensitive guys 
I never thought a leatherneck suckin' on a long neck 
Could make my temperature rise 
    F                     G 
But you're so sweet baby, you're so fine 
    F                      G 
You bring the barbecue and I'll bring the wine 
      F                         G 
We'll dance all night 'til your belt buckle shines 
    D                      A 
Oh, put me in your big ol' pick up truck 
Take me to the rodeo 
  D                        A 
I don't know a thing about broncin' bucks 
And I can't do-ci-do 
But I can put you back in the saddle, baby 
      G            A 
Yeah, stand you up tall 
              G           A 
I can put you back in the saddle, baby 
            G               C 
Yeah, every time you fall 
      F             G 
Well, I might be in yuppie funk 
F                     G 
You might think I'm a little bit drunk 
F               G 
All I know is a hunk is a hunk 
    D                      A 
Oh, put me in your big ol' pick up truck 
Take me to the rodeo 
  D                        A 
I don't know a thing about broncin' bucks 
And I can't do-ci-do 
But I can put you back in the saddle, baby 
      G            A 
Yeah, stand you up tall 
              G           A 
I can put you back in the saddle, baby 
Yeah, every time you fall 

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