Mayday Parade

Even Robots Need Blankets

Mayday Parade

ukulele Advanced advanced


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Even Robots Need Blankets

Written by Brooks Betts/Jake Bundrick/Alex Garcia/Jeremy Lenzo/Derek Sanders


Intro: Piano 
C  Am  F 

verse 1: 
  It happens every time 
If it counts I’ll lose 
my courage when I  
need it the most 
  Then it comes 
crawling up after 
Begs me to ask her  
what I already know 

Am G Singing Oh love get F C me out of the cold E/G# If I promise that I Am F take you there with me G F Would you go I found C In one step I’ll get E/G# Am closer to heaven than F you’ll ever know G C Am F You may never know
verse 2: C Feeling out again Go and try to be your Am man when there’s a F gun to your head C After you’ve found out your good enough Am wasn’t good enough F for everyone else
Am G Singing Oh love get F C me out of the cold E/G# Hold me right by the Am F fire and I’ll show G F you what home means now C The words came with E/G# Am a new kind of sadness F They meant everything G C Am F you mean everything to me
verse 3: C I’ll take the first train out of this town Am With a glare in my eye F and my pockets C full ready to die And when I get hazy I Am will think just maybe F you’re out there somewhere
Am G Singing Oh love get F C me out of the cold E/G# If I promise that I Am F take you there with me G F Would you go I found C In one step I’ll get E/G# Am closer to heaven than F you’ll ever know G You may never know
Chorus 4: Am G Singing Oh love get F C me out of the cold E/G# Hold me right by the Am F fire and I’ll show G F you what home means now C The words came with E/G# Am a new kind of sadness F They meant everything Fm C(hold) Am F C(hold) you mean everything to me
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