Melissa Etheridge

Come To My Window

Melissa Etheridge

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Come To My Window

Written by Melissa Etheridge

	  		CHORUS: (softly and slowly as INTRO)
G    C     Am7    D
Come to my window
 G       C    Am7          D            G
Crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon
     C     Am7      D
Come to my window, I'll be home soon

 C  G  D  (4 times, aggressively)

C                 G
I would dial the numbers
Just to listen to your breath
    C                G
And I would stand inside my hell
And hold the hand of death
 C                  G
You don't know how far I'd go
Just to ease this precious ache
 C                  G
You don't know how much I'd give
Or how much I can take
         Em       C         D                 Em       C  D
Just to reach you, just to reach you, oh, to reach you


Keeping my eyes open, I cannot afford to sleep
Giving away promises, I know that I can't keep
Nothing fills the blackness that has seeped into my chest
I need you in my blood, I am foresaking all the rest
Just to reach you, just to reach you, oh, to reach you


  I don't care what they they think
Em Dsus2 C
          I don't care what they say
C G Am                                   D   Dsus4 D
      What do they know about this love anyway

G  C  Am7  D  (twice, arpeggiated, not strummed)

  C    G          D
Come, come to my window, I'll be home
 C             G           D
I'll be home, I'll be home,  I'm comin' home

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