Melissa Etheridge

Do It Again

Melissa Etheridge

ukulele Easy easy


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Do It Again


Intro:  G 

 G              Em 
Walked your fire  I got a little bit burnt 
 G                   Em 
Hold on tight cause I, I never did learn 
 G                              Em 
You were the one they tried to warn me about 
   G                             Em 
I jumped into your ocean knowing I could never get out 

A Oh baby it hurts, hurts to be in love C D Oh baby it hurts but I do it just because G Em I walk straight through your mountain G Em Crawl right under your sea G Em And if you donā??t know, know it by now G Em Youā??re the only one who does this to me G But Iā??d do it again Em Yes Iā??d do it again
Verse: G Em Even when Iā??m tired and my feelings are hurt G Em Never lost desire only made things worse G Em I hope Iā??m holding out for something good G Em 'Cause weā??re that combination yeah weā??re the kind that could
A Oh baby it hurts, hurts to be in love C D Oh baby it hurts but I do it just because G Em I walk straight through your mountain G Em Crawl right under your sea G Em And if you donā??t know, know it by now G Em Youā??re the only one who does this to me G But Iā??d do it again Em Yes Iā??d do it again
BREAK: G LOVE Em Thatā??s my drug G Em It goes so deep when Iā??m in love G LOVE Em Thatā??s my drug Verse: G Em I walk straight through your mountain, straight through your mountain G Em Crawl right under your sea, under your sea G Em And if you donā??t know, know it by now, you donā??t know this by now G Em Youā??re the only one who does this to me, nobody does this to me G But Iā??d do it again Em Yes Iā??d do it again G Em G And again...again
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