Merle Haggard

Branded Man

Merle Haggard

ukulele Beginner beginner

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Branded Man

Written by Merle Haggard

	  		G                                  C              G 
I'd like to hold my head up and be proud of who I am 
                                  D      A     D 
But they won't let my secret go untold 
  G                                     C              G 
I paid the debt I owed them,but they're still not satisfied 
                  D              G 
Now I'm a branded man out un the cold 

G                                C               G 
When they let me out of prison,I held my head up high 
Determined I would rise above the shame 
       G                           C                  G 
But no matter where I'm living,the black mark follows me 
                   D            G 
I'm branded with a number on my name 

Repeat verse 1 

G                                      C              G 
If I live to be a hundred,I guess I'll never clear my name 
'Cause everybody knows I've been in jail 
   G                                   C               G 
No matter where I'm living,I've got to tell them where I've been 
                           D           G 
Or they'll send me back to prison if I fail 

Repeat verse 1 

                  D              G 
Now I'm a branded man out un the cold 

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