Merle Haggard

Gone Crazy

Merle Haggard

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Gone Crazy

Written by Merle Haggard/Bonnie Owens

Capo on 1st fret
         G                C 
Well you took my love for granted  
And I gave it all willingly 
    C               G 
But seeing you with someone else  
        G        D         G 
Was the breaking point for me 
  G              C 
I know I'm goin' crazy  
I can feel it comin' on 
    G             C 
The signs're all around me  
      G         D       G   
And I know I'll soon be gone 
G    C  
Gone crazy  
  G      D       G 
I may be hard to find  
G    C 
Gone crazy  
G         D         G 
Somewhere out of my mind 
( steel - guitar ) 
But there'll be laughter all around me  
When they come and take me away 
And in case you see me leavin'  
Well you can bet I've gone to stay 
I know you're gonna miss me  
When you find I've gone insane 
But I got the right to lose my mind  
If I can't stand the pain 
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