Merle Haggard

I Can't Hold Myself In Line

Merle Haggard

ukulele Beginner beginner


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I Can't Hold Myself In Line

	  		Merle Haggard-I Canā??t Hold Myself in Line 

D         A          D 
I'm going off of the deep end 
              A          G 
And I'm slowly losing my mind 
     A              D   G 
I disagree with the way I'm living 
    A                      D 
But I can't hold myself in line 

D              A            D 
You give me no reason for my drinking 
             A             G 
But I can't stand myself at times 
  A                         D         G 
And your better off to just leave and forget me 
      A                       D 
Cause I can't hold myself in line 

D                 A            D    
Hey my weakness is stronger than I am 
                  A              G 
Guess I've always been the losing kind 
    A                             D      G 
Now I'm full speed ahead down the wrong road of life 
    A                       D 
And I can't hold myself in line 

 D                  A          D 
Yeah and I'm going off of the deep end 
              A          G 
Hey I'm slowly losing my mind 
   A                     D     G 
And I disagree with the way I've been living 
    A                      D 
But I can't hold myself in line 
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