Merle Haggard

I'll Break Out Again Tonight

Merle Haggard

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I'll Break Out Again Tonight

Written by Arthur Leo Owens/Sanger D. Shafer

	  		(C) Slowly the long day turns to night  
And soon they'll turn out the prison (G7) lights  
But in my cell I'm making plans  
To be with you at home a-(C) gain. 
(C) These walls and bars can't hold a (G7) dreamin' man  
So I'll be home to tuck the (F) babies (C) in  
They can chain my body but not my (G7) mind  
And I'll break out again, to-(C) night. 
The warden thinks I'm in for life  
'Cause all he's ever seen me wear is stripes  
He don't know 'bout my blue suit and my tie  
That I wear when I'm with you each night.  
TAG: And (G7) I'll break out again, to-(C) night. 
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