Merle Haggard

Ill Take A Chance

Merle Haggard

ukulele Easy easy


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Ill Take A Chance

Capo on 2nd fret

Intro: D  A  D 

N.C. G If you don't want to run around D If you wanna settle down A I'll take a chance on loving you G If you will be my very own D If you'll be mine and mine alone A D I'll take a chance on loving you

Verse 1:

D G There's a lot of pretty girls in this wide wide world D A But none of them should hold a light to you D G You're the nicest, the neatest, the cutest, and the sweetest D A D And I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
N.C. G If you don't want to run around D If you wanna settle down A I'll take a chance on loving you G If you will be my very own D If you'll be mine and mine alone A D I'll take a chance on loving you
Pedal Steel & Guitar Solos G D A G D A D

Verse 2:

D G Did you really mean it or did I just dream it D A When you said I was the one for you? D G Too late to forget it, too late to regret it D A D That day that I fell in love with you
N.C. G If you don't want to run around D If you wanna settle down A I'll take a chance on loving you G If you will be my very own D If you'll be mine and mine alone A D I'll take a chance on loving you
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