Merle Haggard

Lets Chase Each Other Round The Room

Merle Haggard

ukulele Easy easy


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Lets Chase Each Other Round The Room

Bb F Let's chase each other 'round the room tonight Bb Let's play the games we played on our wedding night F To lock and bolt the door is only right.- Bb Let's chase each other 'round the room tonight
F Seems like lately people love to play with fire Bb The other games they play are just as bad F I'd rather stay at home and feel your burning lips Bb And play the kind of games that make me glad (Repeat Chorus) Bb F Let's don't chase around and make each other weary Bb Let's keep all our love at home and out of sight F Let's leave everything like jealousy behind us Bb And let's chase each other 'round the room tonight (Repeat Chorus)
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