Merle Haggard

Man From Another Time

Merle Haggard


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Man From Another Time

Written by Merle Haggard/Freddy Powers

Capo on 1st fret
I lost a woman I believe to be perfect for me 
C 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	     G 
You could replace her but you're so much younger than me 
C 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	 G 
Our lives are so different our music is not the same kind 
G 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	 D 	  	  	  	  	 G 	  
Like we're just out of focus with no way to bring us in line 
G 	  	  	  	 D 	  	  	 G 
I'm like a man from another time 
C 	  	  	  	  	    G 	  
I'm old fashion music I'm old fashion wine 
C 	  	  	  	  	  	 G 
A pilgrim like Jesus with no way to find 
G 	  	  	  	 D 	  	  	 G 
I'm like a man from another time 
C 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	     G 	  
I may be a reencarnated from a soldier who died in some war  
G 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	 D 
With our thirty year difference it's like i was born in a lifetime before 
C 	  	  	  	  	   G 
I'm old fashion music I'm old fashion wine 
G 	  	  	  	 D 	  	  	 G 	  	  	  	  
I'm like a man from another time 
C 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	 G 
Maybe reencarnated from a soldier who died in some war 
G 	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  	 D 
With our thirty year difference I'm like born in some lifetime before 
C 	  	  	  	  	   G 	  
I'm old fashion music I'm old fashion wine 
G 	  	  	  	 D 	  	  	 G 
I'm like a man from another time 
G 	  	  	 D 	  	  	 G 	  	  
Like a man from another time 
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