Merle Haggard

You Take Me For Granted

Merle Haggard

ukulele Intermediate intermediate

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You Take Me For Granted

Written by Leona Williams

My legs and my feet
                                    G                   D
Have walked 'till they can't hardly move from tryin' to please you

And my back is sore
                  G            E7                         A7
From bendin' over backwards to just lay the world at your door.
D                                                      G
I've tried so hard to keep a smile on a sad face while deep down
It's breakin' my heart
       G                     D         G
And as sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
    D          A7           D
Not knowin' if I've done my part
       A7              D           A7               D
'Cause You Take Me For Granted And it's breakin' my heart
               A      D  G         C9
As sure as the sunshines I'll be a lifetime
    D          A7           D
Not knowin' if I've done my part.
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