Midnight Oil

Mountains of Burma

Midnight Oil

ukulele Beginner beginner

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Mountains of Burma

Year: 1990 - Album: Blue Sky Mining

Written by Rob Hirst

	  		Transcribed by...Pugwall. Corrections by Jonathan Hart 
D                    G        Bm                       A 
  The tucker box is empty now,   the heart of Kelly's country cleared  
D                           A                                    
  and the gangers on the southern line, 
                F                    C 
  like the steam trains have disappeared 
               D    G    Bm              A 
  pelicans glide,                miracles up in the sky 
D                   A            F           C 
  we vote for a government with axes in its eyes 
    Mountains of Burma ,  the road to Mandalay 
                        Eb       Bb            F 
    In the mountains of Burma,   light years away 
    Mountains of Burma 
  Will the sons of Solidarity still march on May Day 
  Will the sisters of the seventies still fight for equal pay 
  There's no one on the Reeperbahn 
  No more blankets handed out for land 
  We feed an economy thats got blood on its hands 
    Mountains of Burma ,  the road to Mandalay 
    In the mountains of Burma,   light years away 
    Mountains of Burma ,  the road to Mandalay 
    In the mountains of Burma,   hope you're light years away 
Dm            A             F            C  
  Pack your bags full of guns and ammunition 
Dm            A             F             G  
  Bills fall due for the industrial revolution 
Bb            C                         Em 
  Scorch the earth 'till the earth surrenders 
  Soldiers of armies storm empty fields 
  in a traveller's trance on the way to the high frontiers 
  sleepwalkers stumble, cable cars run aground 
  imaginary enemies from high above the clouds 
    In the Mountains of Burma 

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