Midnight Oil


Midnight Oil


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Year: 1988 - Album: Diesel and Dust

Key:  C#m More
Whoah Key G#mG#m
Whoah Key AmAm
Whoah Key A#mA#m
Whoah Key BmBm(one step down)
Whoah Key CmCm(half step down)
Whoah Key C#mC#m(original key)
Whoah Key DmDm(half step up)
Whoah Key D#mD#m(one step up)
Whoah Key EmEm
Whoah Key FmFm
Whoah Key F#mF#m
Whoah Key GmGm
	  		C#m D F#m C#m  (repeat) 
C#m              D 
The lord is my temple 
F#m           C#m 
God is by my side 
you pay the rates on that temple 
F#m                     C#m 
build materials at the side 
E         F#m 
he gives reasons 
D                    E 
to get through the day 
E                      F#m 
he doesn't have rinse action 
D        D#7 
he just says 
G#m B   F# 
Whoah - oh 
don't wanna see you back here again 
    B   F# 
Whoah - oh 
G#m B   F# 
Whoah - oh 
don't wanna see you back here again 
    B   F# 
Whoah - oh 
Girls are not smiling 
the stars have gone out 
the man with the landslide 
got his head in the ground 
like an unopened letter 
left under the door 
he says I am the answer you're looking for 
F#  D#m  A#m  |: A#m   D#m C#  :| (4 times) 
   E                          F#m 
Above we dream in Andropovosphere 
 D                  E 
who maintains the drunken machinery 
E                     F#m 
below we dream of a time 
             D             D#7 
when those men come from West Point 
Whoah - oh... 

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