
Earth Is The Loneliest Planet


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Earth Is The Loneliest Planet


 Am                              Dm     
Earth is the loneliest planet of all 
 Am                              Dm 
Earth is the loneliest planet of all 
 Am                              Dm         
Day after day you say "one day, one day" 
 Am                              Dm     Am 
Day after day you say "one day, one day" 
 Am        Dm       F     G                             F     
But you're in the wrong place and you've got the wrong face 
And humans are not really very humane 
                  G                   F     E 
And earth is the loneliest planet of all 

 Am                               Dm    
Earth is the loneliest planet of all 
 Am                                   Dm 
Live with aloneness that no one else knows 
 Am                                  Dm           
Time after time you say "next time, next time" 
 Am                                  Dm       Am 
Time after time you say "next time, next time" 
 Am      Dm   F    G                       F     
But you fail as a woman and you lose as a man 
               Am                      G                
We do what we can,  and earth is the cruelest place 
          F            E   | Am  Dm| Am  Dm| Am  
You will never understand 

 Am        Dm       F     G                             F       
But you're in the wrong skin,  and the skin that you're in 
                   Am                      G                   F  E 
Says "oh, let it begin"  and earth is the loneliest planet of all 

 Am                              Dm     
Earth is the loneliest planet of all 
 Am                              Dm 
Earth is the loneliest planet of all 
 Am                              Dm         
Day after day you say "one day, one day" 
 Am                             Dm      Am 
Day after day you say "one day, one day" 
 Am         Dm  F      G                   F      
But there's always a reason why you're refused 
They always blame you, you, you! 
              G         F        E     Am. 
And there is nothing anyone can do 

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