
It's Over


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It's Over

Written by Bill Dees, Roy Orbison


     C            F           C 
Your baby doesn't love you anymore 

( C  F  C ) 
( F  C  F ) 

Verse 1:

F Golden days before they end Am Whisper secrets to the wind C F C Your baby won't be near you anymore

Verse 2:

F Tender nights before they fly Am Send falling stars that seem to cry Bb G7 C Your baby doesn't want you anymore F It's over


Em F It breaks your heart in two Em F To know she's been untrue Em F But oh what will you do? G F G When she says to you "There's someone new F G We're through, we're through, we're through"
C It's over Em G It's over C It's over
( C F C F )

Verse 3:

F All the rainbows in the sky Am Start to weep, then say goodbye C F C You won't be seeing rainbows anymore

Verse 4:

F Setting suns before they fall Am Echo to you, "That's all that's all" Bb G7 C But you'll see lonely sunsets after all
C It's over, it's over, it's over F It's over
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