Mumford And Sons

Hopeless Wanderer

Mumford And Sons

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Hopeless Wanderer

Written by Mumford & Sons

Capo on 5th fret
Intro: F  C  Gm  Dm  C  Bb 

Verse 1:
F    C   Gm          Dm           C       Bb 
Hear my voice I came out of the woods by choice 
F             C        Gm 
Shelter also gave the shade 
        Dm     C       F 
In the dark I have no name 

F                   C     Gm 
So leave that click in my head 
            Dm           C             Bb 
And I will remember the words that you said 
F                        C     Gm 
With a clouded mind and heavy heart 
         Dm           C           Bb 
But I am sure we will see a new start 

Dm C F Bb So when your hopes on fire Dm C F Bb But you know your desire Dm C Don't hold a glass over the flame F Bb Don't let your heart grow cold Dm C I will call you by name F Bb I will share your load
Verse 2: F C Gm I rustle long with my youth Dm C Bb And find it hard to live in the truth F C Bb But do not tell me what is right Dm C F When I lose my head, I lose my spine F C Gm So leave that click in my head Dm C Bb And I will remember the words that you said F C You brought me out from the cold Dm C Bb Now how I long, how I long to grow old Chorus: Break: Dm Bb F C Dm Bb F C Bridge: Dm Hold me fast, Hold me fast Bb F C Dm Cuz I'm a hopeless wanderer Dm Hold me fast, Hold me fast Bb F C Dm Cuz I'm a hopeless wanderer Dm Bb F C Dm I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I wander Am Bb F C Dm I will learn, I will learn to love the skies I wander Bb F C Dm The skies I wander
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