Mumford And Sons

Learn Me Right

Mumford And Sons

ukulele Beginner beginner


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Learn Me Right

Intro: D 

Though I may speak some tongue of old, 
     D/G           D           A      D 
Or   even   spit   out   some  holy   word, 
I have no strength with which to speak 
           D/G       D         A           D 
When  you  sit   me  down and  see   I'm   weak. 

(Melody Line) 

        G       D 
We will run and scream, 
         G          D 
You will dance with me, 
         G        D                    A 
We'll fulfill our dreams, and we'll be free. 

D/G  D   A   D 
D/G D A D 

        G       D 
We will run and scream, 
         G          D 
You will dance with me, 
         G        D                    A 
We'll fulfill our dreams, and we'll be free. 
        G         D 
We will be who we are, 
            G        D 
And they'll heal our scars; 
        G       D        A 
Sadness will be far away. 

So I had done wrong but you put me right. 
   D/G      D             A        D 
My judgment burned in the black of night. 
When I give less than I take 
     D/G      D         A   D 
It   is   my  fault, my own mistake. 

        G       D 
We will run and scream, 
         G          D 
You will dance with me, 
         G        D                    A 
We'll fulfill our dreams, and we'll be free. 
        G         D 
We will be who we are, 
            G         D 
And they'll heal our scars; 
       G      D           A 
Sadness  will be far away. 

D/G D A 

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