


ukulele Easy easy


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Written by Kurt Donald Cobain

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E---------------------2 (A 1° parte se baseia nisso) B---------------------- G---------------------- D---------------------- A---------------------- E--0-2-0-2-0-2-0-2----- (8x) (2° parte) E---------- B---------- G--5------- D--5----7-- A--3----7-- E-------5-- ........She has a moist vagin... E-------------------2 B-------------------2 G-------------------- D-------------------- A-------------------- E--0-2-0-2-0-2-0-2---
(2° parte) C5 A5 ........I particularly enjoy the circumference... (Intro) (2° parte) C5 A5 E5 F#5 ........I'll be sucking the warts off her anus... E5 F#5 E5 F#5 E5 F#5 (mais 4 x) ..............Marijuanaaaaaa C5 A5 E5 F#5 .......I prefer her to any other E5 F#5 E5 F#5 E5 F#5 (mais 4x) ..............Marijuanaaaa (Intro) (2° parte) C5 A5 ........She has a moist vagin... (Intro) (2° parte) C5 A5 E5 F#5 ........I'll be sucking the warts off her anus... E5 F#5 E5 F#5 E5 F#5 (mais 4x) ..............Marijuanaaaa ***************************************************************** MARIJUANA She has a moist vagin I particularly enjoy the circumference I'll be sucking the warts off her anus I prefer her to any other Marijuana She had a moist vagina I prefered her to any other Marijuana **************************************************************** Thiago Silva dos Santos ([email protected]) Michelle, Te adoro... Nirvana na cabeça...YEAH!!!
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