Off With Their Heads

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Off With Their Heads

ukulele Intermediate intermediate


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Written by Justin Francis/Zack Gontard/Robbie Swartwood/Ryan Young

C F G F C (x2) 


C F G F C (x2) 


C               F 
A little wisdom I can recall 
        G                     F                C 
There's nothing to lose when you've lost it all 
                F                 G           F           C 
And there's no hope for anything getting any better than this 
C                        F 
You hit the bottom, you think that's all  
         G                         F             C 
But the bottom opens up and you continue to fall 
                    F                G       F       C 
And everywhere you turn to yell for help it goes unheard 


C F G F C (x2) 


C               F 
A bit of wisdom I can recall 
         G                     F               C 
There's nothing to lose when you've lost it all 
             F                 G           F           C 
There is no hope for anything getting any better than this 
C                         F 
You hit rock bottom, you think that's all 
     G                        F             C 
But rocks give way and you continue to fall 
            F                       G      F      C 
There's no end, and your cries for help remain unheard 

F C I know more than I need too C Sometimes it's nice to see through G C All the depressing shit that brings me down F C I don't see anything, anymore C Am G# I just want out, I just want someone G C To take me away from myself and show me something more
Outro C I need some time, to find my place C F G I need some time F To find my place C F G F C G I need some time, if it's ever gonna get any better than this F C Any better than this G F C Never gonna get any better than this
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